
High Pixel Digital Printing Glass VS Silk Screen Printed Glass

Printed glass becoming very common in modern life nowadays. The techinique is improving also as the time being. 

Today we talk about two most common printing glass. Silk screen printed glass and digital printing glass. 

Silk screen printed glass can not make changing colors, only solid colors. 
Digital printing glass can make any colors

Silk screen is common used for geometric patterns printing, like dots, stripes... 
Digital printing glass is high pixel printing, so it is better for picture printings on glass. 

Silk screen printing glass colors are made of several screens models, one color one screen. So it takes more time to printing glass, and sometimes patterns may have shadows, because of not accurate position of printing pattern. 

Digital printing glass print all colors at one time. The images are super clear and high pixcel. It is good for high level decoration projects. 

Both silk screen printed glass and digital printing glass can be produced as laminated glass or tempered safety glass. It is pretty and safety. 

Find printed glass supplier or more information about printing glass or other decorative glass products, please visit our website:  www.sggglassmanufacturer.com

----------SUN GLOBAL GLASS from China

